Happy Friday and holy smokes!! I was nominated by the very sweet Crystal at Through Crystal’s Eyes for a Liebster Award! To be honest, I really didn’t know what it was at first but it had the word “award” in it so I was very excited! J Basically, if you blog and have less than 200 followers (which I do) you can get nominated. It’s a good way to get traffic to your blog and let people know a little more about yourself. So, thank you Crystal! I feel honored!
To accept the nomination I must:
1) Link back to the blog that nominated me - holla back at Crystal!
2) Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3) Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4) Share 11 random facts about yourself
5) Create 11 questions for your nominees
6) Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
6) Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
The blogs I've nominated are:
1) Erin @ Tails From A Not So Conventional Mommy
2) Chelsea @ Anchors Aweigh
3) Bri @ Back to Bliss
4) L @ Glamburger
5) Amber @ Chaos and Crackers
11 Questions for my nominees:
1) What is your favorite hobby?
2) If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?
3) What is your calling?
4) What is your favorite childhood memory?
5) What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
6) Name one thing on your bucket list
7) What was your first car?
8) What would be your perfect date night?
9) What is your favorite sports team?
10) What is your dream vacation?
11) What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
11 Questions from Crystal:
1) Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog because I wanted a way to document my life after having Kamden. There are so many memories and things that happen and I want to be able to look back in years to come and reminisce about everything. Plus, I like to write and it gives me a way to blabber on about the randomness that goes through my head.
2) What is your favorite blog?
The first blog I ever read was my aunt’s blog here. Then I came across Mama Laughlin’s blog….then Skinny Meg’s….then Holly’s….and now I read a ton! I love it because it’s basically reality TV in writing and I can relate to almost all of them.
3) What is your favorite TV show?
I have a lot - Walking Dead, Dexter, True Blood, Real World, The Challenge, Real Housewives of Wherever, Modern Family, Happy Endings…the list could go on for a while…
4) Any family traditions?
I wouldn’t really call this a tradition but my family normally celebrates Christmas a week early so everyone can make it. A lot of my family is spread out now so it’s hard to get together on the day of Christmas with in laws, etc. I am really excited to start some new traditions with my family now that we have Kamden like cutting down our Christmas tree, Sunday night dinners, etc.
5) Gold or Silver?
6) If you could travel any place, where would you go?
This is a great question - I would go to France, Greece, or Fiji. Pretty much anywhere that has a beach.
7) Favorite alcoholic drink?
Wine, hands down.
8) No kids, no hubby, no work- what are you doing with your time?
Working out, being crafty, probably cleaning, and shopping.
9) Where is your favorite place to shop?
It’s been a while since I have gone on a shopping trip to a place other than Target or Kohl’s but I would have to say the Mall of America.
10) Bath or Shower?
Shower. I don’t remember the last time I had a bath.
11) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I would love to live on a lake in the mountains somewhere.
11 Random Facts About Me:
1) I played hockey from 7th grade through my junior year of high school. I stopped my senior year and tried out for the fall musical at my high school. I played Grandma Tzietel in Fiddler on the Roof.
2) I sent a tape to MTV my sophomore year of college in hopes that I would be on the Real World. I was not picked and take that as a compliment because I guess I am not crazy enough for reality TV. J
3) I love making to-do lists. I will literally write out everything I will do in that day, including going to work and taking a shower. Nerd alert!
4) My favorite show growing up was Full House. I loved it and watched every single episode. I also tried to get my nickname to be DJ just like DJ Tanner.
5) Growing up I always wanted a dog but we never lived in a place that allowed dogs so I had 2 bunnies, fish, and an evil cat (and I don’t even like cats).
6) I love scary movies! Some that have really creeped me out are Pet Semetary, The Strangers, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
7) I have to crank my music on the way to work to pump myself up for the day. I usually listen to rap and hip hop.
8) I am a horrible dancer. I usually just bounce around and try to blend in with the others around me.
9) I am horrible with common sayings. For example, I thought the saying “play it my ear” was “play it by year” for my entire life up until about a year ago. Now my family likes to make fun of me and say “we will play it by the year of ____” and then add a random year in there.
10) I am a procrastinator but work great under pressure.
11) I want 4 kids, but would settle for 3. I was basically an only child growing up and always thought it would be fun to have a big family.
It must have been because it was so cold. I for sure thought he would love it and that would feel good on his teething gums. We will have to give ice cream another try...
I could not get enough of KB yesterday so here is a pic from our mini photo shoot after work last night:
TGIF and have a great weekend!!
Thanks so much for nominating me Devon! I am excited to answer your questions next week! Have a great weekend!!
No problem!! :) Glad I could pass on the excitement I had from being nominated too!