These last 9 months have been the best 9 months of my life. We welcomed our baby boy into the world on September 26th, 2012 and our hearts were stolen in that very instant. I can’t believe how fast time has gone since and every day I am so thankful for him. Happy 9 months Kamden! Mommy and daddy love you so much!
Fun Facts about KB:
He is always smiling J
He loves to jump! Whether he is standing (with assistance) or in his jumper, those chunky little legs are moving.
He can feed himself his own bottle
He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einstein’s
He loves music
He has tried basically all fruits and veggies and hasn’t disliked any of them. The only food that he hasn’t come around to is scrambled eggs. I think it’s the texture…
He has the biggest and prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen
He army crawls mostly and is very fast
He started pulling himself up on things - couch, me, car seat, etc.
He likes to make a lot of noise - yelling, gurgling, and rambling. He says “da da da” and “ba ba ba” a lot.
He goes to sleep for naps and bedtime without making a fuss almost every time. His bedtime is normally around 7:30/8pm and he will sleep until about 6:30/7am. He usually takes 2-3 naps per day.
He is instantly drawn to cell phones and remote controllers
Everything he finds ends up in his mouth
2 of his bottom teeth came through a couple months ago and now he has 2 top teeth poking through
Every time I say “boofda” he smiles or giggles J
He loves when people sing to him
He likes to drink juice/water out of his sippy cup
He likes to go for runs and walks in his stroller
He loves bath time
From the second he is awake he wants to be on the go - he basically tries to jump out of your arms
It takes an army to change his diaper or get him dressed
He almost always sleeps on his tummy with his butt up in the air
We are so blessed and are having so much fun watching him grow - he just needs to slow down!
Happy Hump Day and kiss your babies! J
OMG thank you! :) I am so giddy right now! haha! :) Happy Friday!