Friday, March 15, 2013

Jump Around

TGIF!!!!!!  I am picturing myself doing a happy dance right now because I am not sure how it would look to my co-workers if I was dancing jumping up and down uncontrollably in my cube.  You see, I am not a good dancer so usually I just end up jumping up and down with my arms flailing in the air.  This created a problem when I was in college because my drink of choice was a vodka cranberry and with all that jumping up and down, most of my friends, myself included, would wake up the next day with pink dots all over our clothes from my drink.  I am sorry (not really), but when the beat hits me, I move....hahahaha.  One time, when Bud and I were newly dating, I had my vodka cranberry in my hand as I gave him a hug and the tip of his white hoodie dipped into my drink (we didn't notice at the time) and when we looked at his sweatshirt the next day the tip of his hood was stained pink.  Needless to say, I gave up drinks with cranberry juice until I was older and more mature not out jumping around at bars. 

I was clearly in dance mode here.  Notice the spill on my shirt - good thing I had already made my switch from cranberry drinks :)

Boof, got a little side-tracked there.  Anyway, back to being freakishly happy it's Friday.  Tomorrow I am running the Bull Falls 5k.  It doesn't start until noon so I was immediately game.  What's with races always starting at the ass crack of dawn? It's supposed to be 30 degrees and sunny tomorrow so not horrible.  Plus, it will assure me that I will get a work-out in this week.  Yeah, I said "this week."  I have not worked out once since last Saturday - I am majorly slacking.  My excuse: work was exhausting and by the time I got home all I wanted to do is cuddle with KB.  So that's what I did....all week.  I am hoping my lack of exercising this week will make me start off next week on a better foot.  My goal: to work out before work Monday through Friday.  It's a pretty lofty goal considering I am horrible at waking up early, but I really want to make myself do this so I can make it a routine. 

Also, I am thinking about doing the AdvoCare 10 day cleanse.  I heard about it through some other blogs I follow and it got me thinking I should do it too.  I emailed for more information and basically it's 10 days of eating clean (no processed foods, refined sugars, alcohol, etc.), drinking a fiber drink daily, and taking vitamins/supplements.  It doesn't sound too bad and I think it will help me get past those last 10 pounds I need to lose to get back to my pre-baby weight.  Plus, it will get me in beast mode so I can reach my fighting weight. :)

Sunday is KB's baptism.  We are having family over afterwards for lunch and to hang out for a bit.  Almost all of Bud's family lives in the area so they will be there, along with my mom, and possibly my grandparents from Minnesota.  My grandparents are both sick so they are going to see how they feel.  I really hope they feel better because I miss them and really want to see them!  I know they want to see KB too so I really hope it works out.  It's a 3 1/2 hour drive from Minnesota to here so I totally understand if they can't make it.  I will also be missing my other Minnesota family members that can't make it but we are planning on going to visit in the beginning of May so I have that to look forward to at least. 

Welp, that's all I have for now.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

See ya later suckas!

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