Friday, April 11, 2014

One stop short of the looney bin....

Do you ever have one of those days where your mind just won’t shut the hell up and it keeps bouncing from random thought - to what you need to be doing - to what you wish you were doing - back to random thought? That is me today. I am a little overwhelmed at work this week and my focus has been all over the place. Why are you posting on your blog then? Well smart ass, I am posting because I need to calm the crazy that is my brain right now in hopes I can get some real work done up in this biz. Great, now she’s talking to herself.

Anyway, to kick out the negative Nancy thoughts up in my noggin and the don’t-wants, here are a handful of things that made me smile this week. Even though I feel like I am falling into a pit of starved wolves right now there is always a silver lining to be found somewhere….even if that silver lining is those starving wolves taking me out of my misery. WOOF-WOOF!!!

Realizing my passion. I have spent my entire life wondering what my “calling” is, what I am “meant” to do… what would ultimately make me happy. I know this is early in the game, but I think I am inching closer and closer to that every day. I love motivating people and helping people, and with my new endeavor I get to do that every day. It’s been a whirlwind so far trying to keep my head above water, but I didn’t expect it to be any different. And why should it be?

Sometimes you have to dive right in and just keep looking forward to get to where you want to be and not worry about the stuff in the middle. I mean, that “stuff” in the middle is very important too because it helps you reach that goal, but I think that keeping your goal in the front of your mind is the most important thing. Think of your goal as the headlights on your car. You need them to see your destination when you are driving at night otherwise you would be blind without them. By turning the headlights off you are just going to end up in a McGruber-like explosion…. while falling off the face of a cliff…. into a sea of sharks. For real though, if you don’t keep your goals in your mind at all times, your focus will fade. Don’t let it fade.

I am a big reality TV watcher. I will watch anything that has to do with the Real Housewives of wherever or 12 and knocked up or I am going to flip a biscuit because you picked out a couch that doesn’t match the window treatments!!!!! (If you can name those last 2 shows I will give you a virtual high-five!) It’s mindless entertainment and sometimes it’s just good for me to zone out for a bit. Last night The Challenge started back up on MTV and I am pretty excited about it. I have watched the Real World since the day it started and all the spin-offs for as long as I can remember. This year I fell off the Real World train because it was set up all wonky and I just couldn’t get into it. But the Challenge is different. There is drama, people compete against each other and then there’s drama…. Yeah, I am easily sucked in.

I have said this before, but Kamden is such a climber!! He climbs on everything he can possibly get his hands on these days. It’s crazy and I have mini heart attacks daily. His new thing lately is to climb into his highchair. He does it with ease….like he was born to climb into highchairs. My husband witnessed the first time he did it and took a video. When he showed me my mouth just dropped. KB amazes me daily and I am convinced he is going to be in extreme sports or something. He just has no fear. I love it but I think I am going to need a vat of hair dye for all the gray hairs I will have.

I ordered another work-out program for after we have our 2nd kid (it’s called the 21-Day Fix and no, I am not pregnant yet so don’t get too excited) and it came with a Shakeology shaker!! Yes, I am a nerd but I really wanted the shaker so I don’t have to worry about having to wash out my water jug at work every day. So yes, that made me smile this week. J
My T25 challenge group is starting on Monday and I couldn’t be more excited for the people that have decided to make a change to get healthy!!! I am really looking forward to supporting everyone and hopefully motivating them to keep going and not give up! I love a good transformation story and now I get to witness them first hand! There is just something so powerful about someone saying “today is the day I am going to make a change” and then seeing the outcome of them actually doing it! Not that I want the weekend to fly by, but I am just so excited for Monday.

Welp, that’s all I have. I need to get back to work now that I have slightly calmed the crazy. Sometimes I just need to talk it out, so thank you for letting me ramble on. I am looking forward to spending some time with friends and family this weekend!! Look for my Motivation Monday post on….errrrr…..Monday for my weekly meal and work-out plan.

What are your plans this weekend? What do you do to calm the crazy?

P.S. If you have any questions about T25 or any other program let me know! My email address is in my “Contact” page up top.

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