Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Week's Plan

As I mentioned in my last post, I mustered up enough courage to sign the dotted line for the 1/2 marathon in my home town on May 4th.  Since I did that on Sunday I have not done a thing in regards to running.  BOO!  I don't know what my deal it.  (Yeah I know it's only Tuesday)  Yes, I want to be in shape.  Yes, I want to drop these last lbs.  Yes, I don't want to look like a puff-ball this summer.  I keep telling myself this but when my alarm goes off in the morning all I can think of is my warm blankets hugging me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.  So I just need to put on my big girl panties, tell my blankets to shut the F up, and get my arse out of bed and on that damn treadmill!!! 

I am not a fan of cats but think this little guy is hilarious

With that said, I am going to lay it all out there to hold myself accountable.  Which brings me to this weeks plan:

Monday (yeah, that was yesterday)
  • Do nothing (Sweet, I did that!!!)
  • Run 3 miles
  • Ab and arm work-out
  • Run 4 miles
  • Strength Training (I devised a plan that targets my arms, legs, and abs)
  • Run 3 miles
  • Ab and arm work-out
  • Yoga
  • Ab and arm work-out
  • 7 mile run
    • This is going to be tough because I am leaving for girl's weekend that morning.  This means I really need to plan out my morning and wake up early enough to get this done. This will also be the longest distance I have run to date.  Right now, I can run 6 miles without stopping.  One more mile isn't going to hurt, right??  RIGHT!!!??? 
  • Ab work-out
  • Insanity DVD
    • My 1/2 marathon training calls for cross-training today.  Hopefully I don't have the "flu" after being up North the night before and I can sweat out all the toxins I consumed.  
    • I have lasted a month doing the Insanity work out program and it was INSANE.  I stopped because I was still breastfeeding and I wasn't losing weight.  Plus, I was really scared for the 2nd month of the program because I heard it's VERY hard.  I will probably pick one of the discs I used during the first month and call it good.

Well there you have it.  My plan for this week.  If you hadn't noticed already, my whole "my goal is to wake up and work out before work Monday-Friday" for this week is not panning out accordingly.  I am going to really try and get these work outs done either way - whether it's before or after work.  I just need to make time for them like I do for everything else in my day.  It can be done and it will be done!

Also, I think I am going to the the AdvoCare Cleanse for sure.  I am trying to find the best time to do it with the least opportunities for failure.  Looking at the calendar, I am thinking the Monday after Easter.  I still need to order everything, but if you are interested and want to check out the cleanse click HERE.  I plan on ordering the cleanse, Spark Energy drink (I NEED caffeine), and the Catalyst supplement (promotes lean muscle mass).  Total for all that is about $86.  If I am going to spend that much money on this I best find a time where I know I will be successful.  Also, it wouldn't hurt if others did this with me so hit me up if you are interested! (sound the crickets)

Welp, that's all I have for now.

See ya later suckas!!!


  1. I as well will be doing the Tough Mudder in September and plan to start up CrossFit to help get me back in shape. I was up to running 5-6 miles a day and really really want that back. So you are not alone there - I don't have a good excuse for not being in better shape either! ALSO I was going to let you know I use Amin.O Enegry or Assualt from bodybuilding.com ... I would suggest checking out that site being it always the cheapest place to find items:)

    1. I have some friends and family doing Tough Mudder but I am too chicken to sign up! I do not have arm strength at all and can just see myself dangling off something really high up with no one to help me, hahaha. I looked into CrossFit and would LOVE to do that. There is only one gym in Wausau that offers it but it's really spendy. Since we just bought a treadmill this last winter I feel I shouldn't test my luck with the hubs by asking about joining a gym. :) Hopefully someday though!

      Thank you for suggesting that site! I will definitely check it out. I need something to take place of my Rockstar consumption. :)

      Hope you are doing well! I love reading your blog! Makes me miss the good ole Globe days!

  2. Hello! That is so awesome you are doing Tough Mudder! I have a couple friends doing that one too and also a couple family members but I just can't bring myself to sign up for it. It's scary!!! haha

    I wish I was still breastfeeding but it just didn't work out well for me - I apparently have a VERY hungry baby and couldn't keep up. I am with you on the coffee thing though! Some days I feel like I live on that stuff!

    Good luck with your Tough Mudder training! Hopefully one day I will have enough guts to do that one! :)

  3. Could you repost in English please? What is this marathon (did I spell that right?), abs, and yoga you speak of?

    Good luck sweets. I am sure you will do just fine. If I have learned anything from my friends that like to work out like you it is that you need to stop beating yourself up if you miss a day....just get back at it the next day and move forward. With a baby, a full-time job, a house, and a LIFE....I think that is good advice.

    1. Thank you!! I will definitely listen to that advice. I just looked at the 1/2 marathon training program today and realized I should probably start training, haha. So I am just going to try and follow that plan as much as I can but I know I will miss some days. I can't wait to come visit!


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